Hardware sale

Computer hardware & peripheries wholesale
Essential hardware from world-class providers for all kinds of computers.

Software sale

Software solutions for work and entertainment
Purchase or order high-class software for all modern systems.

Software design

Custom software design and development
We will develop software designed specifically for your needs and preferences.
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Focus Points

While helping you choose the best sofware and hardware, we consider three factors.


Achieve your most ambitious
technology goals


IT Challenges


Get high quality support and order hardware and software by contacting us through the email.


Providing digital independence

With our service, software consulting expertise, adaptability, and operational support, you aquire the resources to build the ideal technical environment for your business and personal life.

We guarantee smooth work of everything we sell
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We provide a wide selection of programs for any system
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We design and develop custom software for your needs
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IT Consultancy
IT Consultancy
We will answer all your software and hardware questions.
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Client Testimonials

With regard to the caliber of their managed IT services as well as the consideration and effort they devote to assisting their clients, as is a true expert. Hitachee is the best company I've ever encountered.
Biru bin Sangkara
CEO of a marketing agency

Client Testimonials

I strongly suggest Hitachee as a provider of IT services as they have given exceptional assistance and customer care. I have total trust in Hitachee to offer us secure, effective, and expert help.
Aasiya binti Suhaib
Marketing manager of a design agency

Client Testimonials

Hitachee has been proactive in helping us in keeping our hardware, software, and electronic equipment up to date, modern, and innovative. To anyone looking for outstanding information technology help of any kind, we would highly recommend their services.
Demak bin Haron
Financial director of a publishing house
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Large variety of computers

Large variety of computers

Software for work and life

Software for work and life

Peripheries for comfortable work

Peripheries for comfortable work


Have any questions?

Contact us if you need a consultation, we will be glad to help.